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Luni – Vineri 9:00 – 17:00  0748649511


Cadouri personalizate si nu numai, cu transportul mereu gratuit.

Cadouri pentru toti

Povestea incepe in 2020

O echipa tanara si pasionata, incearca sa aduca un plus de lumina in lumea cadourilor personalizate si nu numai. Cadourile sunt importante, unesc oameni si spun povesti, asa ca ne-am adunat sa oferim cele mai originale cadouri si sa facem oameni fericiti.

Cadouri unice si deosebite pentru toti

Comanda simplu si de pe telefon

Suntem in era tehnologiilor, folosim device-urile mobile pentru aproape orice. Vrem ca tu, sa poti comanda un cadou personalizat, la fel de simplu ca si cum ai face-o de pe calculator.

Transportul mereu gratuit

Livrare rapide si Gratuita

In Romania, costul transportului este o problema pentru foarte multi, de cele mai multe ori costul transportului depaseste pretul produsului comandat, iar noi ne-am propus sa eliminam aceasta bariera. Pentru clientii Cadolya.ro, transportul este mereu gratuit.

Our incredible team are here for you

Nicole Williams

Company Director
"Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends with them."

Bjorn Gunnarson

Head of Design
"Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you."

Charlotte Banks

Research & Development
"You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer service culture can’t be copied."

Sam Gallagher

Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
I’m so happy with the service from Shoptimizer – my order was delivered within 48 hours and the thought and care they put into their products really stands out. Plus, their support is just awesome!
Sean Walsh
London, UK
Fabulous top bought as a birthday gift for a friend who wears it almost every day. Smart packaging which looks exciting and special. Very good on delivery. Will purchase it again as a gift and for myself!
Astrid Sorensen
Oslo, Norway

In the press

Scapa de costul transportului

La noi, livrarea costa doar 10,00 lei sau gratuit la comenzi mai mari de 90,00 lei

15 zile drept de retur

Produsele nepersonalizate se pot returna fara nici un motiv.

Produse de calitate

Lucram doar cu produse de calitate.

Platesti la curier

In scurt timp adaugam si plata online.